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In order to increase the capacity of the community, Mount Rinjani National Park has carried out technical guidance activities on waste management as part of efforts to realize the Rinjani circular economy.

Interviewees came from the NTB LHK Service, Mataram University and the Kresek Project.

The material presented included the Challenges, Opportunities and Achievements of NTB Zero Waste; Organic and Inorganic Waste Management Techniques have economic value; as well as Promotion and Marketing Strategies.


The activity was held on Monday 29 January 2024 at the Golden Palace Mataram Hotel, involved community groups in the Rinjani area who are active in the field of waste management, the Community of Rinjani Trekking Organizer, as well as representatives of porters and guides.

In his direction, the head of the Mount Rinjani National Park Office said that TNGR provides an opportunity for all levels of society to participate in protecting the area, including keeping Rinjani clean through waste management.

It is hoped that the circular economy will be an opportunity to change waste as a source of problems into a source of community welfare.

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Dewi Anjani
Dua puluh pasangan jin bangsawan diubah menjadi manusia. Penjelmaan ini puncak dari kemurkaan Dewi Anjani, ratu jin yang bertahta di puncak Gunung Rinjani. Legenda tentang kesaktian Dewi Anjani ini, melahirkan cerita tentang Doyan Nede. Dari sinilah spekulasi menyebutkan bahwa orang-orang Sasak di Pulau Lombok adalah keturunan bangsa jin! 20 elf lord couples

DALAM buku Hikmah Indonesia Masa Kini, Hikmah Masa Lalu Rakyat yang diterbitkan Lembaga Studi Realino dan Penerbit Kanisius pada 2005, tertulis tentang asal-usul masyarakat Suku Sasak yang bersumber dari dua legenda, yaitu Doyan Nede dan Gunung Pujut.

Pada legenda Doyan Nede, nenek moyang pertama orang Sasak adalah jelmaan 40 jin yang melahirkan pemimpin atau pendiri kerajaan di berbagai wilayah di Pulau Lombok, antara lain Selaparang, Pejanggik, Langko, dan Bayan. Sedangkan legenda Gunung Pujut menceritakan tentang seorang pangeran dari Majapahit yang mengembara hingga ke Pulau Lombok. Di sekitar Gunung Pujut, ia mendirikan negeri bernama Kerajaan Pejanggik.

Mitos dan legenda tersebut belum beranjak dari benak sebagian masyarakat Sasak, merujuk pada mitologi Dewi Anjani yang diyakini sebagai penghuni awal atau generasi pertama masyarakat Sasak.

Spekulasi historis berdasarkan mitologi tersebut, mengusik Budayawan Sasak H Lalu Agus Fathurrahman. “Lha, masak orang Sasak ini dari bangsa jin, kan ndak masuk akal,” kata Agus yang sempat melakukan riset tentang legenda Dewi Anjani.

Agus mulai menelusuri dari kata “dewi”. Sepanjang yang ia ketahui, dalam tradisi Sasak tak mengenal istilah dewi yang bermakna putri yang cantik. Sasak juga tak mengenal kata “siti”. Misalnya nama Hawa, menjadi Siti Hawa, Maryam menjadi Siti Maryam, atau Aisyah menjadi Siti Aisyah. “Ini pekerjaan siapa? Kata dewi dan siti tak ada dalam tradisi Sasak,” ucapnya.

Demikian pula saat ia mencari tahu tentang kata “Anjani”. Dalam kamus Sanskerta pun tidak ada ditemukan. “Hanya saya ketemu kata Anjani adalah ibu dari Hanoman. Bukan sebagai bahasa. Tetapi, saya mencoba menggunakan pendekatan linguistik. Saya ketemu Anjarun. Itu Bahasa Arab. Artinya sauh perahu. Bisa jadi, Anjarun, ada proses morfologis, anjari menjadi Anjani,” jelas Agus Fathurrahman.

Mitos Dewi Anjani sendiri, terdapat beberapa versi. Selain ada yang mengatakan putri jin yang menguasai Gunung Rinjani, ada pula versi lainnya. Di Sembalun, misalnya. Sebagian masyarakat menyebut Anjani adalah Bunda Waliyullah.

Sedangkan di kawasan yang lebih tersembunyi di sekitar Rinjani, pada kategori komunitas yang lebih tua, menyebut Dewi Anjani adalah Nabi Insun. “Nah, kita coba menggunakan metoda filologi. Siapa Dewi Anjani kemudian kaitannya dengan dua puluh pasang jin bangsawan,” ucapnya.

Mitos, adalah ilmu pengetahuan pada masanya. Mesti dibedah menggunakan metodologi pada masa itu. “Pakai metode durus. Metode hermenetika, gali pakai itu. Dua puluh itu apa artinya, kemudian ada melahirkan Pengulu Alim sebagai pemimpin pertama yang sampai sekarang diyakini masih ada, dan itulah kepemimpinan orang Sasak, yaitu pengulu,” papar Agus.

Menurut Agus, setelah era penjajahan, pengulu-pengulu yang banyak tersebut dihabisi perannya. Lalu diangkatlah pemimpin baru yang diberi gelar demung.

Lalu, kepemimpinan pengulu bermertamorfosis. Di Lombok bagian selatan menjadi kiyai, sedangkan di bagian utara menjadi lokaq, “Sampai sekarang itu masih hidup. Itulah Pengulu Alim yang melahirkan Doyan Nede. Atau Temelak Mangan dalam mitologinya,” tambahnya

Agus mengingatkan perlunya metode khusus untuk menerjemahkan mitos, sehingga hal inilah yang mendorongnya untuk mendalami kajian filologi dan menulis tentang epistemologi mitos dan legenda.
Mandalika's beauty has attracted attention from all over the world ever since it became the location of an international racing circuit. The Mandalika International Circuit is one of the most interesting tracks, according to Italian rider Michael Rinaldi.

After visiting the Mandalika International Circuit, visitors to Mandalika should make time to enjoy the beautiful beaches and the hospitable locals in the traditional villages. It's going to be difficult for you to go.

Pantai Kuta Lombok (Kuta Lombok Beach)

Kuta Beach

One of the most well-known beaches in the area is Kuta Lombok Beach. It has waves that are ideal for surfing, clean blue waters, and beautiful white beaches. Along the shore, traditional fishing boats are anchored, and you may take in stunning views. It only takes roughly ten minutes to drive from the Mandalika International Circuit to Kuta Lombok Beach. This beach doesn't charge admission, but if you bring a car, you just have to pay for parking.

Selong Belanak Beach

Selong Belanak

Popular among both seasoned and novice surfers, Selong Belanak Beach is a broad, calm, white sand beach with mild waves. Don't worry if you've never surfed before; the beach offers surfing instruction. In addition, Selong Belanak Beach offers surfboard rentals and little stands with local fare and beverages. It takes about thirty-six minutes to go from the Mandalika International Circuit to Selong Belanak Beach. This location is free to enter, just like the other ones. Parking fees are only applicable if you bring a car.

Gili Nanggu

Gili Nanggu

Gili Nanggu, a small island near Mandalika that is reachable by boat. Beautiful coral reefs, pristine oceans, and white sand beaches may all be found on this quaint island. Its serene beaches are ideal for relaxing on or for snorkeling and diving excursions. From the Mandalika International Circuit, take a boat journey (costing between Rp30,000 and Rp35,000 per person) across to Lembar Harbor to reach Gili Nanggu. The boat can hold from 10 to 15 people. All you have to do to enter Gili Nanggu is pay an admission charge of Rp5,000.

Sade Village

Sade Village

Sade Village is a tribal Sasak village that is proud to preserve its customs and culture. Tourists are welcome to stroll around this village and see the traditional thatched and bamboo Sasak dwellings. Additionally, traditional handicrafts like silverware and woven fabrics are available at Sade Village. The Mandalika International Circuit may be reached in under fifteen minutes by car. You can visit this village between 8:00 AM and 7:00 PM for an admission fee of Rp15,000 per person.

These are just some of the numerous stunning natural settings and diverse cultural encounters that surround Mandalika. A visit to one of Lombok's many Gili (islands) may be ideal for you if you're the kind of tourist who prefers individual discovery.
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A common question is how to go to Mount Rinjani. There are only two main roads in Lombok: one leads up the west side of the island to Senaru, while the other leads up the east side to Sembalun. If you are already on the island, visiting Mount Rinjani is fairly easy. To get to the starting point of the journey, several trekking companies provide transportation. You should budget extra if you are traveling from the airports in Kuta Lombok or Lombok Praya.

You can drive yourself to Senaru or Sembalun if you've rented a scooter, but be mindful because driving laws and regulations in Lombok are less strict than compared to those in other parts of the world. Take a public boat or a speedboat that is privately chartered from the Gili Isles to Bangsal Harbour. From there, you can arrange for a driver to transport you to Senaru, or we can pick you up. On Lombok, public transportation is sporadic and unreliable. Instead of using minibuses, Rinjani Trekking Guide picks up its clients and drives them to Senaru or Sembalun. These have seat belts and air conditioning, so they're comfortable.

Travel times on Lombok Island:

  • Bangsal Harbour to Senaru: 1.5 hours
  • Sengiggi to Senaru: 2 hours
  • Mataram to Senaru: 2.5 hours
  • Lombok Praya International Airport to Senaru: 3 hours
  • Kuta Lombok to Senaru: 3.5 hours

Source: Rinjani Trekking Guide
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Komodo National Park
One of Indonesia's most intriguing and stunning islands, Flores is situated in the province of East Nusa Tenggara in the country's southern region.

In terms of geography, Flores is a part of the Lesser Sunda Islands in Indonesia. Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, Flores, Sumba, Timor, Alor archipelago, Barat Daya Islands, and Tanimbar Islands are the principal Lesser Sunda Islands, arranged from west to east.

The island of Flores, long overshadowed by its more well-known neighbor Bali, is now beginning to gain recognition as a distinct travel destination in its own right.

Therefore, after exploring the Komodo dragons' lair, stop and admire some of Flores' natural wonders. You may kayak among rugged cliffs and mangrove shores, swim in pure lakes and waterfalls, dive at one of the 50 amazing diving sites, explore enigmatic caves, and be greeted cordially by the island's inhabitants in their rituals, dances, and everyday lives.

Adventure, diving, eco-tours, mountain climbing, and excursions to traditional villages, prehistoric heritage sites, and cultural events are all summed up by flowers. Explore some of the most unique underwater species on the planet, go diving in Komodo's crystal-clear waters, or go swimming alongside enormous manta rays, dolphins, and dugongs on the island of Flores!

Tanjung Bunga, a subdistrict in East Flores, was mentioned in one of the name Flores' many origin myths. When Portuguese navigator António de Abreu arrived here in the 1500s, he noticed that the island was covered in flowering flowers.

Next, S.M. Cabot arrived and named this location Cabo das Flores, which translates to "the cape of flowers."

The Dutch Indies Governor General, Hendrik Brouwer, confirmed Flores as the Island's official name in 1636.

Nusa Nipa, or the Snake Island, was another name for Flores. Given the island's shape, the fact that snakes live there, and the long-held notion that snakes are the island's ancestors, the name was supposed to reflect these elements.

Visit the Blikon Blewut Museum in Maumere to gain an understanding of the history of the Florinese people.

There are 8 significant ethnic groups in Flores, including the Manggarai, Riung, Ngada, Nage-Keo, Ende, Lio, Sikka and Larantuka.

Additionally, Flores has eight regencies: East Flores, Ngada, Nagekeo, Ende, Sikka, West Manggarai, and Manggarai.

The capital of West Manggarai, Labuan Bajo, serves as the entryway to the many splendors of Flores.

In Manggarai, you may witness the live combat dance known as Caci dance, which is done throughout many traditional rituals. The dance is also widely used as a kind welcome for distinguished visitors.

Visit Rana Tonjong, a large lake in East Manggarai that is adorned with enormous lotus blossoms that bloom from April to June. Don't forget to sunbathe at Laing Lewe if you enjoy the beach! You are welcome to visit and explore Taman Laut 17 Pulau in Ngada. Translating to "The 17 Islands Ocean Park," the name was also chosen to coincide with Indonesia's 17th anniversary. Here, you can explore the underwater world and find unique wildlife on land.

Pulau Pasir Putih Rii Taa, a pure pearly white-pinkish sandy island, is the reason Nagakeo is famous. It is only about an hour's boat journey from the Marapokot harbor in Mbay city.

Ende is home to the well-known Lake Kelimutu, which has three colors. It's a breathtaking natural phenomenon that you have to see for yourself. You can also visit the distinctive Pengganjawa beach while you're in Ende. Its shoreline is dotted with many stones in shades of turquoise, with black sand—a scene you don't see very often!

The capital of Sikka is Maumere. In addition to the museum and beaches, you may visit Tanjung Kajuwulu and Nilo hill to take in the tranquil scenery that appears below you.

The capital of East Flores, Larantuka, is last but most definitely not least. The city is well-known for its Semana Santa Easter event. A joyous procession concluded the Day of Good

Friday, all the way through Larantuka.

Getting there

By Plane

Maumere in the east and Labuan Bajo in the west are Flores' two primary entrances. Every day, a flight from Denpasar takes around 90 minutes to go to Komodo Airport in Labuan Bajo and about 115 minutes to get to Frans Seda Airport in Maumere.


Traveling by land to Flores necessitates meticulous preparation. You may get from one harbor to the other by public bus. Depending on availability, sea crossings can be made via local ferries and speedboats.

By Sea

It takes about 36 hours to travel by boat from Bali's Benoa harbor to Labuan Bajo. It would be wise to take into account your time, the season, and the most recent schedules for sea cruises at for convenience. In addition, there are boat excursions that travel from Lombok to Flores, maybe making a stop at Komodo before arriving at Labuan Bajo.

Get Around

Rent a car, ride a motorcycle, or use one of the buses or bemo that run in the area to get around.

In Bemo, a minivan used to connect Flores' major cities, passengers sit facing one another. You can try it because bemo is a native experience that is particularly distinctive in Flores. Get ready for loud music, a vibrant exterior, and a catchy moniker that will make passengers remember their ride! Are you eager to leave? Make your travel arrangements immediately!
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Mandalika street circuit
Indonesia recently completed construction of a new international circuit in the Mandalika, Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, in April 2021. Since then, a number of professional racing competitions, such as the Asia Talent Cup, the World Superbike (WSBK), and the MotoGP, have taken place on this great track.

It would be interesting to learn more about Pertamina Mandalika International Street Circuit beforehand if you enjoy watching those sports and have been intending to visit this circuit to view an event you like. Here are 5 fascinating facts about the circuit you should be aware of, without further ado.

Mandalika Circuit

1. Situated in one of the top five Super Priority Locations

As the name suggests, Pertamina Mandalika International Street Circuit is situated in the Mandalika resort area on Lombok Island - West Nusa Tenggara. Lake Toba in North Sumatra, Likupang in North Sulawesi, Borobudur in Central Java, and Labuan Bajo in Flores Island - East Nusa Tenggara are the other four Super Priority destinations.

There is not any doubt that Mandalika offers visitors an incredible show to experience. When you imagine the ideal scene of white sand beaches and verdant hills in the backdrop of the south coast, that is precisely what Mandalika will offer you. It makes sense why it was formerly known as the surfer's best-kept secret before being transformed into a tourist destination with mouthwatering restaurants, kid-friendly water parks, and opulent hotels and resorts.

It would be prudent to swing by and take advantage of Mandalika's recreational opportunities if you're going to be at the Pertamina Mandalika International Street Circuit!

Mandalika Circuit

2. Pit Building constructed using regionally sourced materials

In a statement, Happy Harinto, the Director of Strategy and Communication for the Mandalika Gran Prix Association (MGPA), stated that the Pit Building facility at the Pertamina Mandalika International Street Circuit was constructed using locally produced materials and the PT Wijaya Karya Building (PT WIKA) modular construction method.

The Indonesian Record Museum (MURI) has recognized the Pit Building for this globally recognized circuit, which was constructed in just 21 days, as the fastest construction of a modular Pit Building at the international level.

Built with a modular architecture comprising three stories, the 350-meter Pit Building can accommodate 50 garages, with the ground floor serving as a garage for teams and team mechanics. Each garage is constructed with a building space of 13,700 square meters and measures 5.24 meters in width and 18.34 meters in length. The platform area, the VVIP tribune, and the Media Center viewers are located on the second floor. Numerous additional supporting facilities are located on the third floor.

3. Putting the Street Circuit idea into practice

As you may have seen, the circuit is named Pertamina Mandalika International Street Circuit, indicating that the idea of a street circuit is used. What does that signify?

The meaning of "street circuit" technically refers to a larger racing role, which essentially means that the circuit can serve as a tourist attraction even in the absence of a race. As a result, individuals can engage in revitalizing activities like jogging, running, or simply taking in the scenery in the area surrounding the track. The public will still not be allowed on the major lines, though, and there will be strict security measures in place.

This implies that even if you're only visiting Lombok for a leisurely trip, you can still visit the Pertamina Mandalika International Street Circuit to take in the opulent architecture of the venue and have a leisurely stroll around it during non-racing hours. Doesn't that sound like fun?

4. Most recent asphalt technology

As part of the development for Pertamina Mandalika International Street Circuit, PT Indonesia Tourism Development Corporation (PT ITDC) employs Stone Mastic Asphalt (SMA) to polish the third layer of the road construction in order to meet the requirements for a world-class racing competition such as the MotoGP.

The top layer of asphalt is coated with a state-of-the-art combination called Stone Mastic Asphalt (SMA). According to the theory of stone-by-stone contact, this mixture has the ability to reinforce the trajectory surface layer's structural integrity.

SMA has a high penetration grade (PG) of PG 82, according to MGPA Dwianto Eko Winaryo, Construction Director. In 2014–2015, this particular blend was just released. As a result, not every circuit in the globe layers asphalt using this mixture. Several tracks worldwide have utilized asphalt, such as the UK's Silverstone Circuit, the UAE's Dubai Circuit, and Australia's Phillip Island Circuit.

5. Including distinct Tenun motivations

In addition to adding a local flavor to the Pertamina Mandalika International Street Circuit, MGPA, as an international standard circuit, used the Subahnale, a traditional weaving (Tenun) design that comes from the Sasak Tribe of Lombok Island. The Pertamina Mandalika International Street Circuit's 15th and 16th corners' outer asphalt, or the run-off region, are where the pattern is located.

Muslims may recognize the name Subahnale since it is the Sasak translation of Subhanallah, which means "Praise be to Allah." The locals thought that the pattern got its name from the custom of the ladies in the area who, while weaving cloth with that specific design, would not stop repeating Subhanallah.

The intricate Subahnale traditional clothing is created by hand using a variety of traditional weaving tools and plant-based threads, including betel lime, indigo leaves, tarum leaves, tree roots, bark, coconut fibers, and many more. Even though the production process can take a while, the end product will undoubtedly be a magnificent work of art.

Want to experience the splendor of this global circuit for yourself? Make your plans to Mandalika right away to explore more of Lombok's treasures. As usual, we respectfully advise you to familiarize yourself with the rules governing foreign travel to Indonesia and to follow CHSE (Cleanliness, Health, Safety, and Environment Sustainability) guidelines at all times.
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Gunung Rinjani
Lombok Tengah - Nilai proyek pembangunan kereta gantung Gunung Rinjani naik tiga kali lipat. Semula proyek itu direncanakan menelan anggaran Rp 2,2 triliun tersebut, tapi belakangan naik menjadi Rp 6,7 triliun.

Production Manager PT Indonesia Lombok Resort, Ahui, mengatakan penambahan nilai proyek kereta gantung tersebut karena tingkat kesulitan pembangunan tiang-tiang penyangga sepanjang 10 kilometer di kawasan Hutan Karang Sidemen, Kecamatan Batukliang, Lombok Tengah, Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB).

"Ya akan ada penambahan jumlah tiang kereta gantung. Karena lokasinya tiang penyangganya itu kondisi bebatuan masih relatif berusia muda. Jadi fondasi harus lebih dalam dan lebih besar," ungkapnya kepada detikBali, Rabu (10/1/2024).

Ahui mengatakan seusai hasil survei ekologi dan fauna yang dilakukan selama 3 bulan pada akhir tahun 2023, pihaknya menemukan beberapa tingkat kerumitan pembangunan tiang penyangga kereta gantung Rinjani.

Lebih jauh, tim yang melakukan survei ekologi dan fauna di Gunung Rinjani menemukan tingkat erosi di kawasan tiang penyangga kereta gantung masih masif setelah gempa pada 2018.

"Jadi semua potensi dampak negatif kami akan dievaluasi. Termasuk dampak negatif dan positif di kalangan masyarakat," ujarnya.

Selain itu, ada beberapa penambahan wahana yang akan dibangun di kawasan pintu masuk Hutan Karang Sidemen, Lombok Tengah, salah satunya panggung untuk pentas budaya.

"Kami jadwalkan nanti para seniman pentas satu kali seminggu. Selain itu juga ada wisata taman, waterboom, budidaya jamur, botani garden dan beberapa restoran," ujarnya.

Meski demikian dengan adanya penambahan jumlah investasi itu tidak mempengaruhi harga retribusi. "Benar tetap di rencana awal Rp 600 ribu perorangan satu kali naik," tukas Ahui.

Plt Kepala Dinas Penanaman Modal Perizinan Satu Pintu Provinsi NTB Wahyu Hidayat membenarkan adanya penambahan nilai investasi di dalam rencana proyek Kereta Gantung Rinjani. "Benar ada penambahan," kata Wahyu.

Saat ini progres pembangunan kereta gantung masih dalam tahap penyusunan AMDAL dan tahap sosialisasi ke masyarakat.

"Target awal mereka (menyusun AMDAL) adalah 6 bulan. Tapi tentu ada dinamika dalam penyusunannya terutama ketika proses sosialisasi AMDAL kepada masyarakat sekitar pembangunan kereta gantung," ujarnya.

Menurut Wahyu, dengan bertambahnya nilai investasi tersebut, pemerintah pun menekankan agar investasi yang dilakukan di NTB memprioritaskan penyerapan tenaga kerja lokal.

"Dari awal sudah didampingi, termasuk dari masyarakat setempat. Yang jelas kami prioritaskan masyarakat lokal. Tapi namanya juga masyarakat banyak, tentu beda-beda pemikirannya," tutup Wahyu.

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