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» » » » » » Mount Rinjani Captivates Hikers
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mount rinjani
[Photo by: Halomi Trekker]

Hiking activities on Mount Rinjani continue to escalate by an average of 20 percent per year. Hikers see the 3,768-meter tall mountain a challenge that must be conquered. Mount Rinjani is one of the best tourism destinations for nature lovers across Southeast Asia.

In 2012, 4,839 foreign tourists and 633 domestic tourists explored Mount Rinjani by traveling through the Senaru village, the main entrance to the mountain, in Lombok. Meanwhile, 4,360 foreign tourists and 4,887 domestic tourists ventured to the mountain through Sembalun village in East Lombok.

Head of the West Nusa Tenggara Culture and Tourism Department, Gita Aryadi, says Rinjani has received several awards, including the World Legacy Award from Conservation International and National Geographic Traveler (2004), two awards from the Tourism for Tomorrow Award (2005 and 2008), and the Cipta Award from the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy.

Source: TEMPO

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